Mar 21, 2023 • 4 min read

In the parking lot of a small shopping center in the city of Adiyaman, an informal tent encampment has been set up. Families are now taking shelter here, after Adiyaman, a bustling city of around 600,000, was devastated by the quakes. Many buildings are uninhabitable, while dozens more have collapsed entirely.

Among those who have found safety in this parking lot is Mehmet and his extended family of 20 – the oldest being 70, the youngest just five.

We were residing on the 8th floor, sleeping soundly on what was a peaceful night. Suddenly, we were jolted awake by a violent earthquake, and we realized that a significant number of buildings had been destroyed. Once the earthquake subsided, we attempted to compose ourselves. However, our state of mind was severely impacted, and we looked around as if it were Judgement Day. We ventured outside our home, only to find that parts of the staircase had been destroyed and the walls were cracked. We made our way down the stairs, only to discover that the outside was in ruins. When we reached our car, everyone was crying. We started searching for other family members, as each family was in a different location. It took us time to locate our loved ones, and then we decided to come to this safe place.

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